Blackburn Mars
Mars Magnetic Light

This light has a versatile mounting mechanism: it can magnetically clip to fabrics such as backpack and messenger bag straps, and it can also mount to seatposts and frames by a silicone band.
Mars 4.0

Mars 3.0

In addition to five red LEDs, this light has two amber side LEDs for increased visibility.
Mars 1.1

3-LED light with steady, flash, and chase modes.
Blackburn Flea
Super Flea Rear

Compact light with a fuel gauge/charge indicator.
Super Flea

Compact light with a power button that doubles as a fuel gauge/charge indicator.
Flea 2.0 Rear

Power button doubles as a fuel gauge/charge level indicator that changes from green to orange to red to indicate how much battery life is left.
Flea 2.0

Compact, rechargeable lithium ion headlight with an LED fuel gauge/charging indicator.
Blackburn Scorch
Scorch 2.0

Illuminated fuel gauge/charge level indicator.
Scorch 1.0

No tools universal handlebar mount, LED fuel gauge/charge indicator.